Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya Kul Geet




M. J. College Alumni Association has been formed because the alumni of the college are the brand ambassadors of that college. The name of the Institution is also illuminated by the progress of the student. Alumni Association is formed by the college to always remember the memorable moments of student life. The alumni association provides a platform for the mutual benefits of students, teachers and Institutions.

Vission : To foster the feeling of belongingness and cooperation between the college and the alumnus and to develop their personality keeping in mind the aspirations of the college keeping in mind and applying in your personal life.
Mission :  To provide a platform for former and current students to interact and establish relationships and guide the students of the institute in form of playing an important role in providing employment and contribute to the development of the institution.
The main objectives of the Alumni Association are -
  • Sharing experiences with current students.
  • To create profile of successful students of the college to motivate the students of the college.
  • To strengthen the alumni network of the college and use for the development of the students.
  • Keeping in touch to support each other and the College.
  • Conducting surveys based on the experiences of students so that educational institutions can be improved.
  • To organize workshops and training placement programs in the college so that ex-members can be helped in achieving their goals.
  • To promote relations with the college and to make continuous efforts for the welfare of the college.
  • Live activities and exchange of ideas between former and current students to establish social contacts among each other.
  • To establish and encourage academic, social and cultural environment among the members of the alumni.
  • Nurturing the talents of alumni for their all-around development along with curriculum enrichment of the college.
  • To Encourage higher studies and Research activities.
  • Organizing and participating in lectures, workshops and seminars that interact with the Alumni of present and future to maintain continuous contact and friendship.
  • To honor and reward the deserving alumnus.
  • Organizing alumnus day celebrations from time to time so that contact can be established between old and current students.
  • Organizing employment and placements related activities.
  • To foster the creative ideas, effectively organize the talent & energy of the alumni students.
  • To promote cultural, educational and literary advancement of the former student members.
  • To arrange and conduct meetings of Alumnus students.
  • Exchange of information among members, to exchange professional knowledge and to provide career guidance.
  • To motivate the alumnus students to participate in the development of the Institute.



The College Alumni Committee for the academic year 2020-2021 is constituted as under:

  1. Dr.Anil Kumar Choubey                              - (President)

  2. Dr.Shweta Bhatia                                      - (Vice President)

  3. Dr. J. P. Kanoje                                         - (Secretary)

  4. Vinod Kumar Choubey                              - (Treasurer)

  5.Mrs. Manju Sahu                                       - (Incharge)

  6. Charneet Kaur Sandhu                              - (Executive Member)

  7. Mitalee Verma                                          - (Executive Member)

  8. Avinash Kumar Pradhan                             - (Executive Member)

  9.Mrs.Aradhana Tiwari                                   - (Executive Member)

  10.Mrs. Parvindar Kaur                                  - (Executive Member)