Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya Kul Geet



Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity


Health Club is an association of students in college for taking care of everything that is necessary for keeping an individual healthy. Health club deals with activities for the students to possess good overall health which includes mental health, Physical Health, Emotional Health, and Social health. Health Club of  M. J College, Bhilai  was formed in March 2014, the club’s vision is to develop sensitivity among students in particular and the community in general regarding health and nutrition, awareness and maintenance of a healthy life style. 

Good health is central to human happiness and well-being. Healthy citizens make noteworthy contribution to the overall growth of the society. The Health Club of the college is a voluntary group that learns, discusses and takes action on issues related to the health and well-being of the staff and students of the campus. The club aims at increasing the knowledge and understanding of health issues that affect not only the students of the campus, but also the people in the neighborhood, and guide them to adopt healthy behaviors. The club promotes hygienic lifestyle among students, organizes outreach programmes, provides first-aid facilities and challenges the students to take up leadership roles and responsibilities. In collaboration with different NGOs and Hospitals, the Club also organizes FREE HEALTH camps and BLOOD DONATION camps both in the camps and in different villages.

Objectives of the Health Club

  • To create awareness about the health issues among the staff and students on the campus.
  • To provide counseling for the various health problems to the staff and students on the campus
  • To promote awareness about Healthy Habits among the staff and students on the campus
  • To create awareness about the health status among the members of the staff and students on the campus

The vision of the Health Club

  • To create a healthy sustainable society
  • To create awareness about healthy habits in society


  • To organize seminars, workshops, camps and activities necessary to provide guidance related to health issues
  • To develop healthy habits and awareness among all member of the society.
  • To organize seminars, workshops, camps and activities necessary to provide guidance related to health hygiene issues

Helath Awareness

